• Natural Regain


    Natural Regain division is the first and only importer specialized in imports of European organic and Demeter quality food products. In addition, we are also focusing on gluten-free and allergen-free products for people who suffer under food-allergies. The product line-up ranges from traditional bread over pasta, and snacks to baby food.
    Our products are available in supermarkets and web-shops in Japan.

  • Grex Entertainment


    GREX ENTERTAINMENT is the specialist for organizing events and international casting. Tri-lingual services, global contacts -also to world class artists- enables GREX ENTERTAINMENT to realize creative exhibitions and marketing campaigns.
    In Japan, GREX ENTERTAINMENT fulfills even within the very special field of Film- and TV production any wish of our customers.

  • BDT


    BDT is the Technology division of Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. focused on:
    1. Long years experience within German and Japanese companies are the base for qualified consulting for Japanese-German business relationships.
    2. The products selected within the scope of In- and Export trading activities reflect the experience in the technical as well as in the cultural area.


Welcome to Ahrens Enterprise Ltd.

Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. is an unique company founded in 2004 in Tokyo. Based on the widespread network within Japan and Europe and between, Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. can offer a great variety of Service and Support to his customers. High motivated and qualified employees are working within the introduced three service divisions of Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. Therefore, proudly we may say: "Service is Our Business".
Read more about us...

...or go to the start page of our services:



アーレンスエンタープライズ有限会社は、2004年に東京で設立されたユニークな会社です。日本国内およびヨーロッパに広がる人脈を基に、 多種多様なサービスとサポートをご提供しています。ご紹介する弊社の3つの事業部門では、非常に意欲的で能力のある従業員が働いています。 弊社のモットーは、「Service is Our Business」です。



Willkommen bei Ahrens Enterprise Ltd.

Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. ist ein im Jahre 2004 in Tokio gegründetes Unternehmen. Aufgrund seiner weitverzweigten Verbindungen in Japan und Europa kann Ahrens Enterprise Ltd. seinen Kunden einen äußerst vielfältigen Service und Support anbietet. In den drei Abteilungen unseres Unternehmens arbeiten hoch motivierte und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter. Deshalb können wir mit Stolz sagen: "Service is Our Business".
Informieren Sie sich mehr über uns...

...oder gehen Sie zu den individuellen Seiten unserer Abteilungen:

  • オーガニック輸入食品&ナチュラル商品のメーカー紹介、オーガニックPBと原材料提案

  • 取り引きのご希望の方は会社概要とURLを記入の上に取引条件をお問い合わせください。

  • Grex Entertainment - Event Management and International Casting

  • グレックス・エンタテインメント ― イベントマネージメントと国際キャスティング

  • Business Development Tokyo & Import/Export

  • ビジネスコンサルティング東京と輸出